Social Butterfly commits fashion faux pas!

Folks, your omnipresent SOCIALITE, Tanisha Mohan committed not one but two fashion blunders recently. You all know Tanisha hosted Sujata Asomull’s birthday bash so that she keeps appearing in the glossy. In the bash our lady donned a Herve Leger dress. Now she wore the same Herve Leger bandage dress to Amu Saidi’s (yet another […]

Tanisha cut-short friend’s B’day celebration to host an Editrix’s B’day

Call me a Tanisha Baiter or whatever but I can’t help but fill you up with this lady’s amusing ways. Tanisha and hubby Robbie were off to Koh Samui enjoying Kunal Lalani’s long 50th B’day celebrations. But then Tashu cut short her trip and rushed back to Delhi. No darlings, no emergency as such. Everyones […]