Angela Ahrendts’ Burberry Trench Trended @ iPHONE X Launch

Burberry couldn’t have been happier that their former CEO, Angela Ahrendts chose to appear in a Macramé Lace Trench by Burberry at the Apple’s much watched annual event of IPhone 8, 8 Plus and tenth anniverssary special iPhone X launch. Ahrendts had joined Apple in 2014 and heads the company’s retail operation and was also listed as the highest paid woman executive last year. Her apperance in Cupertino led to online search for combination of “pink,” “lace,” and “trench coat”  terms surge by 900%. In addition, the exact Burberry coat worn by Ahrendts was viewed once every 12 seconds.

Silicon Valley is not known for its fashion sense. The popular ideal there is comfortable uniform dressing in the form of turtlenecks or hoodies. So one doesn’t expect the Apple keynote address to be a place to find standout fashion, and, yet, the internet can’t stop talking about the pink lace trench coat sported by Angela Ahrendts, Apple’s Senior Vice President of Retail.

By the way the Macramé Lace Trench by Burberry costs a bomb – $2900, But then if iPhone X costs $1000, a designer trench for the price of three iPhone X doesn’t seem too much.

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